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I Answered 73 Questions About Myself

Writer's picture: Leslie - Practical WifeyLeslie - Practical Wifey

Have you seen any of Vogue's 73 Questions videos with various celebrities floating around the internet? Well, those interviews were my inspiration for this post! I answered 73 questions about myself.

There's a lot to read so let's get started!


1. What’s your favorite time of day? I love the early evening right after quitting time. Sometimes that's when I feel like the day really begins because I can finally accomplish things around the house or run errands.

2. What’s your biggest weakness? Sometimes I am the worst decision-maker, but this isn't always a weakness...see next question!

3. What’s your biggest strength? Going with the ~flow~.

4. What’s the biggest learning experience you’ve had? There's a couple that comes to mind, but the most recent experience would have to be moving to a new state.

5. What’s your idea of a perfect date? April 25. ;) Just kidding! My perfect date would be a day date. Starting with an activity in the morning (something fun and outdoorsy) and then grabbing lunch after. Or a steak dinner. Steak can make any date perfect!

6. What’s one vice you wish you could give up? I don't have any super-serious vices, but I wish I could successfully give up drinking Dr Pepper!

7. What’s a cause that is important to you? Diabetes research. Two of my siblings are Type 1 diabetics.

8. What’s the best compliment you’ve ever received? That I have a nice smile :)

9. When are you the most inspired? When I'm surrounded by good people.

10. Sweet or savory? Savory, duh! I rarely crave sweet things.

11. What song can you listen to on repeat? Pray by Sam Smith.

12. What makes you smile the most? My family.

13. What’s one thing people don’t know about you? I was missing teeth from 7th grade until my Freshman year of college (quite the humbling experience, lol). Throughout that time I had 6 oral surgeries and braces. My smile has been completely transformed through this process and I love it!

14. Heels or flats or sneakers? Sneakers - all day!

15. Vintage or new? New.

16. What are the three things you can’t live without? Laptop, Instant Pot, andddd probably a car?

17. Window or aisle seat? It doesn't matter as long as it's not the middle seat!

18. What’s your current TV character obsession? David and Alexis Rose from Schitt's Creek.

19. Leather or lace? Lace

20. What’s the most adventurous thing you’ve done in your life? I don't lead much of an adventurous life, but moving to a new state is the most adventurous thing I've probably ever done!

21. How would you define yourself in three words? Funny, passionate, and honest.

22. What’s your current favorite piece of clothing that you own? These dreamy lounge pants from Target!

23. What’s a must-have clothing item everyone should own? A pair of jeans.

24. What’s inspiring you in life right now? Personal goals I've set for myself and the goals I've made with Alex for our future.

25. What’s the best piece of advice you’ve received? "Loving God changes the way you love others."

26. What’s your pet peeve? When people whisper. If you don't want someone to hear something then shut the door or save that conversation for later. Whispering fuels my anxiety!

27. Diamonds or pearls? Diamonds

28. What’s something you notice about someone when you first meet them? Their body language.

29. What’s on thing on your bucket list? Spending Christmas in Hawaii!

30. What’s heavily played on your music playlist right now? Kacey Musgraves

31. What’s your favorite board game? Checkers

32. What’s your guilty pleasure? Eating puppy chow. I swear I could eat a whole batch by myself in one sitting.

33. What book did you most recently finish? Harry Potter

34. What are you currently reading? Nothing at the moment. Does anyone have any suggestions?

35. How do you start your day? A shower and a podcast.

36. What’s your favorite holiday? Christmas, of course!

37. If you could raid one woman’s closet who would it be? Vanessa Hudgen's closet for sure.

38. If you could switch lives with one person for a day who would it be? Ellen DeGeneres because I want to be able to interview celebs for my job and then constantly be able to give back to those in need.

39. What’s one thing you’ve always wanted to try but you’ve been too scared to do? Pretty much anything in the ocean: surfing, paddle boarding, etc. I'm TERRIFIED of most creatures in the ocean. I won't go more than 15 feet in the water when I'm at a beach.

40. What’s the one thing you wish you knew at age 18? How important and valuable saving up money can be.

41. Besides your phone or wallet, what’s a couple of must-have purse items? I always have to have floss and chapstick with me.

42. If you were not a blogger or social media specialist, what would you be doing? I always thought about going to culinary school.

43. What’s something you can’t do? Take out the trash. Okay, I CAN do this, but I HATE it. I have a hypersensitive sense of smell which then leads to me constantly gagging while taking out the trash.

44. Where was the best vacation you’ve ever taken? Easily my honeymoon in Maui. I think about how amazing it was often.

45. What’s one city you’ve always dreamed of traveling to? Zürich in Switzerland.

46. What’s something you always travel with? My selfie stick tripod.

47. Favorite food? A perfectly cooked steak.

48. Favorite dessert? Peanut butter pie.

49. Favorite snack? Dill pickle chips & a Dr Pepper.

50. What’s a TV Show that made you cry? I pretty much have a scheduled cry every day around 4:45 p.m. when Ellen is on. That's about when she does her acts of kindness. I also can count on a good cry when watching This is Us and New Amsterdam.

51. What’s your favorite movie of the last five years? Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker

52. What’s the one talent you wish you had? I wish I could sing better.

53. What’s your favorite exercise? Zumba or (beginner's) yoga.

54. What’s your favorite band? Does One Direction still count? :)

55. What’s your favorite fast-food order? A Freddy's Original Double with fries!

56. What’s something you don’t want to be doing in 10 years? Living in an apartment.

57. What’s the cutest thing on planet earth? I'd say Baby Yoda, but he's not really on Earth...or real. I guess I'll go with my dog, Winston. I mean look at him...


58. What’s the best thing that happened last year? I married my best friend!

59. What’s your favorite cocktail? Anything with vodka.

60. Which TV Show makes you laugh the hardest? Either The Office or Schitt's Creek.

61. What do you usually eat for dinner? Anything that can be cooked in my Instant Pot or Air Fryer.

62. What do you usually eat for lunch? Salad or a sandwich.

63. What do you usually eat for breakfast? Does coffee count as a meal? If I am good and actually eat breakfast, I love making avocado toast and an over-hard egg!

64. What’s your favorite thing in the world? Spending quality time with Alex.

65. What’s your favorite color? Pink

66. What color clothing do you wear most? Pinks or Nudes

67. What are three words to describe living in the Oklahoma City area? Bustling, Contemporary, and Lively.

68. Do you like surprises? I love the idea of being surprised, but I'm usually too nosy and figure out what's happening. If you try to surprise me, don't ask me ANY questions or I WILL be suspicious.

69. What’s one thing you had to learn the hard way? If you don't ask, you'll never know.

70. What’s something you’re tired of? Celebrities commenting on politics.

71. Who do you turn to when you’re sad? God

72. What’s a trend you would like to see disappear forever? Zebra print.

73. What did you want to do with your life at age 12? I wanted to have my own talk show.

BAM! 73 questions. Done.

These are great conversation provoking questions so be sure to save this post for when you might just need it!

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